Biden Threatens to Punish Russia if They Invade Ukraine

President Biden: Press Conference in Geneva, Switzerland / photo has been modified / U.S. Embassy Bern / Flickr / June 16, 2021 / CC BY-SA 2.0 /

Biden seems interested in making America’s relationship with Russia even worse…

Last year, we watched Biden embarrass America with his ‘dementia babble’ as he talked with Vladimir Putin on the world stage at the Geneva Summit. 

During the last weeks of December, Biden warned Putin during a phone call of “severe sanctions” if he invades Ukraine. He told reporters the same thing days later, and it’s clear that America has no intention to back down.

“I made it clear to President Putin that if he makes any more moves if he goes into Ukraine, we will have severe sanctions. We will increase our presence in Europe with our NATO allies. There will be a heavy price to pay for it,” Biden said.

Russia is currently involved in a border dispute with the neighboring country of Ukraine. Many of Biden’s closest aides pushed for the United States to get involved militarily. 

Biden seems to be more concerned with defending Ukraine’s borders… when in fact, he’s ignoring American borders.

Putin responded with Biden’s threat. He warned the demo-rat that imposing new sanctions over Ukraine could completely break relations. He said such sanctions would be a “colossal mistake.”

Biden’s actions show how much of a hypocrite he is; We’ve seen how rash he can be with his decisions…

Tucker Carlson from Fox News shared his opinion on Biden’s unnecessary confrontation with Russia…

He said that today’s government could make the most irrational decisions. “Here’s something all of us need to internalize. Just because something seems far-fetched, or it seems crazy, or it seems destructive to core American interests doesn’t mean the U.S. government won’t do it. That’s the main lesson at the moment we’re living in. “

Then he made it clear that America will never achieve anything from threatening Russia. He added, “There is nothing we could gain from a military confrontation with Vladimir Putin and there’s very much we could lose including of course many thousands of American lives. But that doesn’t mean Joe Biden won’t do it.”

Carlson also pointed out Biden’s incompetency as a leader. He said, “Biden is unpopular, he’s incompetent, and he’s desperate. More than anything, Joe Biden is weak. He’s a pawn of his staff in the hard-eyed ideologues who surround him.”

There’s also a chance that Biden only wants to look like the good guy defending Ukraine… since his approval rating is dropping rapidly.

Our patriot leader Kevin McCarthy also shared his thoughts on how Putin sees Biden. ”When you understand Putin, [he] only looks at the world in black and white. He only understands strength and weaknesses.”

Putin has no respect for Biden. He knows he’s dealing with a weak guy in every aspect, which is why he’s been ramping up troops along the Ukrainian border.

Biden is ruining America’s relationship with Russia even further. The demo rat’s hypocrisy and insecurity are showing.

It’s just a matter of time until more Americans start to hate him even more with his irrational decisions…

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